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Perhaps you’d like to participate in helping to grow the green economy!
Greenway Transit
- Greenway Transit, LLC, is a full-service transportation company located in Efland, North Carolina.
- We are the first and only green transport company in the Nation whose vehicles run exclusively on human energy or biofuels (biodiesel, veggie oil and ethanol-E85). With us, you can reduce air pollution and environmental impact and increase mileage and efficiency (Click the links for more info on biodiesel and ethanol).
- We offer competitive prices and can work within your budget. We do NOT cut corners on safety and maintenance, underpay our drivers, or externalize our cost on the environment. Let’s work together to serve your needs and grow our green economy in trust to our community and the planet.
The GOAL Model at OCEIP
GOAL is a food waste-to-biofuel-to-transportation, property redevelopment model, that was created in a Brownfield site in a Hope VI community in East Durham. The GOAL Model promotes the concepts of circular economy, sustainability and resiliency through a distributed, renewable energy system that is both replicable and scalable to every community. During Christmas of 2018, Greenway and its GOAL partners fell victims to rapid gentrification of the surrounding industrial area and were evicted from the Durham site of 12 years. Unable to afford the skyrocketing property prices in Durham. GOAL partners moved to Efland, and created the Orange County EcoInnovation Park (OCEIP) in an old textile factory (also a Brownfield site).
The new site includes over an acre of open farmland, and in 2019, began to grow heirloom vegetables and industrial hemp for CBD, as well as started a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) delivery service (using biodiesel vehicles). Now, some of the local restaurants from which we collect our waste veggie oil for biofuel are receiving fresh veggies, grown in our composted food waste, creating a real, circular economy. With OCEIP partners Green Oil Company, and Carolina Biodiesel, Greenway Transit strives to keep energy and jobs local, as well as supports the training and hiring of chronically underemployed. Furthermore, our proceeds support the projects of The Forest Foundation, a non-profit that promotes sustainable livelihoods around the neighborhood, and around the world. If you or your organization or school is interested in visiting or learning more about us or sustainable business investment in the area, please Contact us. Our team is always looking for new ways of fomenting The Triangle (and Triad’s) transition to a green economy, we are a "Revolution in Motion!"
Greenway Transit is proud to announce a new partner, Moore's Mobile Mechanic Service, LLC, run by Robert Moore, an expert large-engine mechanic. In addition, we are also offering a vehicle cleaning and washing service, with a bathroom cleanout and sanitizing capacity. Contact us for an appointment.
If you’re interested in driving for us, teaching or leading an eco-tour, or if you’d like to donate to our mission, we’d love to hear from you. If you’re a new (or newly) green business in the area and curious about cross-marketing with similarly-minded companies, we’re always ready to talk!
Areas where you might fit in: green jobs training; vehicle maintenance and repair; gardening and composting; bus driving; vehicle detailing and washing; coordinating event and planning tours; office administration; social media and marketing; sales; community outreach; pedicab peddling; and much more.
Please contact us at — we’ll be glad to have you on board.
For specific For specific positions available today, see our Facebook page.
If you or your city council is interested in franchising a biodiesel bus company, or any of our partner businesses, we are happy to help. We are eager to promote the Green Economy all over the country and will do everything we can to make that easy for you with business plans and start-up documents ready to go.