Marc Dreyfors, a Duke alumnus, started Greenway Transit in 2008. He grew up in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and in Coastal N.C., where he saw population growth impact the natural world. He did his undergraduate study in Environmental Sciences at UNCW, where he studied Philosophy and Religion and pretty much everything else the university offered. As a graduate student, he studied Resource Economics and Policy at Duke’s Nicholas School, and founded Forests of the World. He’s spent more than 20 years working to improve and promote sustainable livelihoods and green living both around the world, and around the block. If you ask Marc how to most effectively change the world, he’ll tell you that a big picture vision requires a very local impact.
When Marc began scouting locations for the Greenway Transit headquarters, he found an old, petroleum Brownfield site in one of Durham’s Hope VI communities. The low-income neighborhood was in need of revitalization at every level, and Marc was eager to pitch in, using his skills in resource management and years of working in international, handicraft development. From 2006 thru 2018, Greenway and the other GOAL site businesses worked hard to remediate the soil, clean up and recontour the land to create a stormwater containment system and grew vegetable raised beds in the once-contaminated areas. Greenway became a "driving force" that redeveloping the community, brought businesses to the community, increased employment (as drivers, mechanics, and in maintenance), and taught hundreds of people about sustainability, through a green jobs training program, called Green Tracks.
Greenway's buses continue to provided transportation services for thousands of people each month, serving as a mobile classroom and billboard for a conversation on all things green and just. Marc continues to serve the Triangle, helping to start www.TriangleCarbonFund.org, a carbon/pollution mitigation "dating site," helped Durham Food and Farm Network address issues around local food insecurity and currently manages the Orange County EcoInnovation Park (OCEIP) for green business incubation. For more information, Partner Up